Wednesday 20 April 2011


What is a paper towel made out of ? apapertowelismadeoftreeslikeallpaper(thepulp) paper towels are made the same way all paper is made, they are made up of tree and plant material that is crushed together until they are separated into microscopic plant fibers. These fibers are mainly made out of cellulose, which gives wood its strength.
What makes a paper towel absorbent? microscopic spaces between the fibres where the water can be absorbed. The paper towel is made up of cellulose which absorbs many water molecules. Airpockets
I have noted though that different brands are made out of different things.
Viva paper towels are made up of: Viva Towels are made from 100% virgin fiber. The cardboard cores utilize 100% recycled paper
Thick and thirsty: fibre is sourced from plantations and environmentally sustainable forests
The pores in a paper towel make it absorb liquid, and also the surface tension has a role in this. A paper towel cannot hold more liquid than it has in pore space. The towel will start to drip when the bonds between liquid molecules absorbed in the towel are more than what the pores allow to be held and will start to bond togetther on the outside of the paper towel.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


In doing this experiment i believe that i will find the most expensive brand to be the most absorbent and the least expensive to be the least absorbent.

Saturday 2 April 2011

The four brands of paper towels I have chosen

Coles smart buy paper towels - $1.91
Samson paper towels - $2.05
 Thick and Thirsty - $2.39
Viva paper towels - $5.49 (3pack)
$5.49/3 x 2 = $3.66

Friday 25 March 2011


                                                         Paper towel Absorbency  Test

aim: To determine which brand of paper towel is the most absorbent.
dependent variable: amount of water that is being absorbed.
independent variable: the brand of paper towel.
controlled variable: the amount of water in the tray.

1. Gather the equipment needed.
2. Taking the tray (baking tray) place it on a flat surface.
3. Fill up the metal tray with 400mL of water.
4. Make sure the stopwatch is ready.
5. Place the chosen brand of paper towel in the tray of water.
6. Once the paper towel touches the water start the stopwatch.
7. wait until the stopwatch reaches 15 seconds.
8. Once 15 seconds is up take the paper towel out of the tray.
9.  hold the paper towel over the tray letting the excess water drip for another 15 seconds.
10. By this time the stopwatch will be at 30 seconds and you now ring out the paper towel over a bowl.
11. Pour the contents (water) of the bowl in a measuring cylinder.
12. Record the results.
13. Repeat steps 3 - 12 another 4 times with the same brand for reliability.
14. Repeat all the steps with a different brand of paper towel.

Sunday 20 March 2011


The equipment needed to complete this experiment to test which paper towel is the most absorbent and whether or not the price of the brands chosen have an impact on its quality.

- 5 Different brands of paper towels.
- water (liquid) 400mL
- tray (to place the water in)
- measuring cylinder
- stopwatch