Friday 25 March 2011


                                                         Paper towel Absorbency  Test

aim: To determine which brand of paper towel is the most absorbent.
dependent variable: amount of water that is being absorbed.
independent variable: the brand of paper towel.
controlled variable: the amount of water in the tray.

1. Gather the equipment needed.
2. Taking the tray (baking tray) place it on a flat surface.
3. Fill up the metal tray with 400mL of water.
4. Make sure the stopwatch is ready.
5. Place the chosen brand of paper towel in the tray of water.
6. Once the paper towel touches the water start the stopwatch.
7. wait until the stopwatch reaches 15 seconds.
8. Once 15 seconds is up take the paper towel out of the tray.
9.  hold the paper towel over the tray letting the excess water drip for another 15 seconds.
10. By this time the stopwatch will be at 30 seconds and you now ring out the paper towel over a bowl.
11. Pour the contents (water) of the bowl in a measuring cylinder.
12. Record the results.
13. Repeat steps 3 - 12 another 4 times with the same brand for reliability.
14. Repeat all the steps with a different brand of paper towel.

Sunday 20 March 2011


The equipment needed to complete this experiment to test which paper towel is the most absorbent and whether or not the price of the brands chosen have an impact on its quality.

- 5 Different brands of paper towels.
- water (liquid) 400mL
- tray (to place the water in)
- measuring cylinder
- stopwatch

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Week One (blog 2)

The aim of my experiment, as mentioned before is to determine which brand of paper towel is the most water absorbent.
This particular topic is of interest to me, as I would like to find out whether or not a common consumer puts money to waste by purchasing a more expensive brand of paper towel compared to a cheaper alternative. Through this experiment I am hoping to find out if consumers are paying for the quality of the paper towel, rather than the brand.

Monday 14 March 2011

Week One

For the science assessment task we were given in class, I have chosen to do a simple experiment that will determine which brand of paper towels is the most absorbent. I have chosen brands that range from different prices, and this experiment will help me see if the price of a certain brand of paper towel has any relation to the quality or water absorbency.